Mammogram Screening In Fairlawn, Nj: Diagnostic And Procedure

Mammogram Screening in Fair Lawn, NJ

A mammogram is an X-ray image of the breast used for breast cancer screening and detection. Mammograms can be done once a year as part of a routine screening or as part of a more thorough diagnostic test if a doctor suspects the presence of a tumor. A mammogram is an X-ray image of the breast used for breast cancer screening and detection. Mammograms can be done once a year as part of a routine screening or as part of a more thorough diagnostic test if a doctor suspects the presence of a tumor. A yearly mammogram is recommended by mammogram screening in Fair Lawn, NJ.

Screening Mammograms

Many women undertake breast self-exams by feeling for lumps in their breasts with their hands; however, self-exams are rarely effective in detecting cancer. Regular life events like pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, or even birth control medications can cause unequal or enlarged breasts, which might skew the results of a self-exam.

That’s why, starting at the age of forty, your doctor may advise you to get a mammogram every one to two years. Screening mammography detects cancer that is too tiny to be felt by a self-exam or a doctor.

mammogram screening in Fair Lawn, NJ

Diagnostic Mammograms

There are many reasons why mammogram screening in Fair Lawn, NJ, might recommend that you get diagnostic mammography at our location. While non-cancerous sources cause the majority of these, none of them should be overlooked:

  • Breast discomfort
  • Breasts that have changed in size or shape
  • Breast skin that is thicker and discharges from the nipples (other than milk)
  • Because a more thorough examination is performed, diagnostic mammograms last longer than screening mammography.

Mammogram Procedure

You should avoid using deodorant, perfume, or any other skin product on the day of your mammogram because they may impact the results.

You will be asked to remove all jewelry and clothing above the waist once you enter the exam room.

The breasts will be squeezed between two plates with an x-ray apparatus attached. Although this is not a painful compression, it may cause discomfort. To get an accurate test, you’ll need much pressure.

While taking the picture, your technician may ask you to hold your breath for a few seconds. We’ll take at least two photos of each breast from the top and side.

By Asher

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