Things to consider before filing a divorce in Singapore

If you or your spouse is having at least 1 child who is under 21 years and no ability to agree on the legal ground of divorce and the matters of ancillary, then you both must attend the mandatory parenting program.

The Divorce support specialist is conducting this program with the help of counselors and agencies. These people will help the divorcing parents in making informed decisions and always keep the priority of the child’s needs and well-being. You can learn more about the Mandatory parenting program for divorce procedures in Singapore in other articles.

The application process for divorce in Singapore

The party who is intending for the divorce will require certain documents to present in the court of Family justice for starting the procedure of divorce. There are also some relevant filing fees which are also required to be paid. Below is the list of required documents for filing a divorce in Singapore:

Writ for Divorce: This is the court document which is filed by the Plaintiff for commencing the proceedings of divorce against the defendant.

Statement of Claim: A statement which will have the information of the parties like the length of the marriage, any children, and the reason why parties want to irretrievably want to break the marriage. In this statement, there would also mention the plaintiff’s claims for ancillary relief and the plaintiff who is seeking custody of the children.

Statement of Facts: Statement which shows the detailed reason for the marriage breakdown.

By Asher

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