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Introduction about the web analyze

Website Speed has been a great issue for many. No one was sure of the reason why this was happening around the web. Web-Analyzer is a simple yet powerful website performance monitoring tool that helps one to understand the poor performing indicators. is one of such web analyzers.

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Some of the benefits to know about the web analyzer

  1. Web analyzer may help in identifying some of the geographical information of the website visitors using their source IP address. By discovering where the visitors are mainly located, one can also target the appropriate areas. This then gives someone the visibility of which marketing channels they should be utilizing to find their next customer.
  2. This will help in determining where to invest their marketing time and budget. This also provides detailed insights and then one can create the targeted campaigns around this information.
  3. With this one can monitor the social media performance.
  4. Search engine optimization is one of the key parts of the online presence. SEO should always be in someone’s aim while creating any content for their sites. In order to develop a good SEO reputation, one needs to create a list of keywords relevant to their business they want to rank for.
  5. One can also find out the reason for losing visitors.
  6. Many websites mainly rely on advertising to earn revenue. With the help of website analysis, the website has the potential of increasing their revenue by providing statistical data to the potential advertisers.

Some of the different types of web analysis

  1. Content web analysis: The content on any website is what will separate one from the rest of the pack.  It is important to understand what content is gaining someone the visitors and what the content types which need some serious revising, for all these one normally need a tool to analyze it. In order to do this, one needs to know how often each page is getting visited, how long the users usually stay, and if the visitors are being converted into customers.
  2. Social web analytics: Now more than ever, every business should utilize the different social media platforms.  The internet is a social place, and the web analytics program needs to measure how successful campaigns are in the social media world.
  3. Mobile web analytics: People normally use their phones every day.  And they are also surfing the web on them.  One can use mobile web analytics to understand if their customers are more engaged and more likely to purchase depending on whether they are on their mobile phones or at their computers.  This will allow one to understand if someone needs to change anything up on the mobile device.
  4. Conversion web analytics: This mainly helps to know who is buying, or downloading, or playing videos, or doing many other activities which would be valuable for one to know about. This type of web analytics will help to know more about return on investment.

By Asher

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