What is the timeline for your CV?

Gantt chart

A chronological resume is a chronological list of your training and professional experiences. In this type of CV, your oldest experiences are in first place. The anti-chronological CV is exactly the opposite of the previous one. The most recent data of free timeline creator at the top of the list. This kind of resume comes directly from Asian countries. This is the nearly everyone rational way to proceed, since the recruiter is probably more interested in your recent experiences.

The advantages of the chronological CV:

Clear and readable,

  • Gives a good overview of your career evolution,
  • Ideal if your previous experience matches the future work,
  • This is the traditional way of proceeding and it is a good starting point for an interview

The disadvantages:

  • The voids (a year of repetition for example) are noticed very quickly
  • The rapid and successive changes of employers are highlighted.

Contact details: 

Start by entering your details: your name, address, telephone and / or mobile phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, nationality, civil status, etc.


Gantt chart

Then describe your training. If you have opted free timeline creator for an anti-chronological resume, start with your most recent training. Make a distinction between courses and courses. Only mention what is relevant to the job you want. Mention the period during which you took training and the degree obtained. Beginners can, for their part, also quote courses that are not directly related to the function for which they are applying. He shows in this way that he is an active person.

Professional experience:

 Then take stock of your professional experience. Start with the most recent job. Mention the name of the company and the period of occupation, as well as the exact title of your position and a description of the main tasks and responsibilities. Try to use the same terms as those used in the job posting. Beginners have little or no experience. They can therefore focus on a vacation job or a relevant internship. Optionally, describe the tasks and responsibilities assumed. Try to clearly describe what this experience has brought you


 This section is not mandatory. The information you put there, must be relevant. The hobbies you post in your resume give it a personal touch. Many employers will have an overall idea of ​​your personality based on this information. Remember when you complete this section.

Language skills:

Try to make your knowledge concretely possible. Avoid too vague qualifications. Create a clear distinction between printed and oral command of the language. It is possible that during your job interview, some questions may be asked in another language.

By Asher

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