Ads and advertising in Digital Marketing that you should know

Assortlist Classifieds

Online publicity will carry on to be one of the areas of advertising with the maximum increase, along with video marketing and content management for websites. This is owing to the information that users more and more substitute customary activity and information media, for queries, product reviews and purchases through social networks and the Internet.

Here I show you the most common classification according to the status :

Current customers. They are those who buy you periodically, whether they are companies or individuals. In short, they are those that sustain your business.

Active clients.

They are those who make purchases with certain frequency and who did it recently or in a period of time established by the company. This period of time will depend on the type of company or the product.

Inactive clients.

They are customers who have made purchases, but outside the period established by the company. They are customers who can be used at some time, in order to return to buy, after analyzing the reason for the withdrawal, the frequency of purchase, etc.

Potential customers.

Are those who have not made purchases from the company, but have shown interest through the request for information, budget request, and have the ability to purchase can become at any time in generators of income for the company.

Assortlist Classifieds

Probable customers.

They are customers who have never bought the company, and who have not expressed interest in us. However, due to their characteristics, we believe that they could become generators of future income.

Another very common Free Classifieds is the one that is made according to the volume of sales .

In order to make this classification, we must start from the premise of 80/20, that is, 80% of your sales are made by 20% of your customers. Based on this, we would classify them as follows:

Top customers.

They are those customers that generate a volume of sales well above the average. These should be the least. The interesting thing about knowing them perfectly is that we can define our efforts and resources according to that criterion

Advertising through the use of classified ads is an effective way for people to get sales of products and services in a forum that is often free of charge. This advertising text mode uses short phrases and abbreviations to convey the main points about the purpose of the add Classified ads can be used to sell or buy items, rent houses, request or look for services (for example, cleaning, maintenance, babysitting), and even search for friendship or romantic connections.

By Asher

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