Becoming the Rising Star: Buying Spotify Plays


You may be wondering why your music or podcasts are not getting any recognition. Well, there are also other artists all over the world who have not seen the light of day. No, not that they are dungeoned. But instead, their works are deemed unworthy of Spotify’s time. The reason? Because they do not have much plays. Most probably, Spotify thinks that your works are not worth it either.

Thankfully, there are many platforms online that allow you to artist promotion. That is, these platforms will be able to boost your works to the top of the charts. This means that you get more and more listeners and thus become a recognized artist.

There are a few platforms online that can help you gain popularity. If you are really passionate about what you and do really want to share it with the world, these tricks and cheats are for you. Some of the platforms you can find are the following:

  • SpotiPromo

The most reliable way to get the listeners you want. This platform is very trusted and has had many satisfied customers. SpotiPromo does the heavy work while your play grows and gets more hits.

  • Streamify

It delivers a constant stream of plays for the tracks and albums you have. A clear view of the way your tracks perform will be given, including the play counts you get daily as well as the popularity index.


Increases Popularity – fans and sales are contributing factors to popularity. More plays mean that your popularity index has increased. There are changes in your tracks in charts and billboards.

Discover Users Who Are New and Relevant – for your fanbase to grow, you must be able to get more plays, meaning your songs must become more popular. Streamify assists you to be able to get more plays, get you new fans, and more paid royalties.

Royalties – Streamify can increase the play count and get you more royalties.

  • My Music Viral

This platform gives you a distinct set of listeners that makes sure you have a very safe follower base. It allows your songs to stream all through the day, thus, getting a storm of hits each day. To make sure that it is registered, the play goes for 90+ seconds on the average. Creating a strong base starts at a minimum of 1,000 plays. They ensure that their promotion packages for Spotify are safe and insured to always be anonymous.

Eligibility of Royalty – As your popularity increases, it becomes royalty eligible. As you gain followers, you earn money, and as your popularity grows, there is an improvement in royalty rates.

If you would like to try out buying Spotify plays, there are still hundreds of sites out there that offer them. It is time to show the world what you are capable of. If you have got the budget, confidence, and a headstrong mind then it is time to try out buying Spotify plays. Who knows, you could be the next big star!

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