Challenges in Human Resources Management and Labor Relations

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It is from this background that the committee is now presenting the basics of its reflection on the challenges that Quebec organizations must face and face. The committee identified three key challenges: 1) balancing efficiency and equity in labor relations and human resource management, 2) mobilizing human resources, and 3) retaining and attracting a skilled workforce. Professional members of the College are best able to help organizations face these challenges.

Balancing Efficiency with Equity

Beyond the challenges of the economy, labor relations and human resource management, by their very nature, must respond to a constant imperative: balancing the need for organizational effectiveness and equity needs expressed by workers.

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The conceptions of organizational  Time Clock Wizard effectiveness raise some questions. What is efficiency? Is it productivity? The profitability? The life of the organization? Efficiency is a broader concept than these essentially financial perspectives. Organizational effectiveness includes, of course, an economic conception (financial performance), but it also includes social (organizational climate), systemic (adaptation of the organization to its environment, growth, quality) and political dimensions. (social responsibility, legitimacy of the organization) The importance given to each of these aspects of the performance generally differs according to the actor considered in the organization: the owners (shareholders), the customers, the managers and the employees. Efficiency can not be optimal or last without taking into account each of the four facets of effectiveness. Given these findings, is it possible to find a balance between these two notions? Does one go against the other or can they be considered complementary? Four elements seem essential to maximize the contribution of individuals to organizational effectiveness and to create a sense of equity

By Asher

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