Tips For Doctor Blade Care and Chamber Maintenance

doctor blades for flexo printing

Doctor blades and their chambers are an integral part of flexographic and gravure printing. It is important to maintain them as that can reduce the damage to the anilox which will save money on the lost ink and substrate waste. You can follow a few simple rules for taking care of the doctor blade. You can get the most out of the blades and chambers and this will also save your time and money. Here are some tips for taking care of doctor blades for flexo printing.

Talk to the Manufacturer

Learning the guidelines for care from the manufacturer is the best way to prevent damage to the doctor blade and its chamber. It is important to apply the correct amount of pressure t the blade. You can monitor this using a gauge on the chamber. Also, ask the manufacture o determine the expiry date for the blade tip, which may be different for each printer.

Replace the old blades

Though it might be tempting to clean the blades, it is advised not to do so and especially the steel blades, which have sharp edges which can be dangerous. Another reason is that the blades are low cost and are easyto replace. Moreover, when you replace it with a new one, the optimal print quality can be achieved. There should also be a consistent method for replacing the blades. It can either be daily or weekly.

doctor blades for flexo printingChoose The Chamber Wisely

It is not easy to choose the proper blade and pressure. Also, it is hard to know when the bade needs tobe changed. Thus, it is important to choose the proper chamber so that the entire system is running optimally. You need to understand the best chamber which is needed for the blade and you can do so by talking with the manufacturer. It is also important to optimize the system by using the systemwhich is designed for the particular material of the blade. Just like blades, chambers also need to be replaced, but not as frequently as the blades. The general period for replacing it is five to ten years and they also require to be cleaned. In fact, if the chambers are not regularly cleaned and the blade is not fitted properly, the blade will wear out soon.


By following the above tips, you will be able to maintain and take proper care of your doctor blade and chamber. This will result in better printing and will save you the cost of a new blade.

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