Who is entitled to additional benefits at the dentist and what documents must be presented during the visit

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Special rights in the dental office are given to pregnant women and the children and adolescents up to the age of 18, and people with disabilities (moderate or severe).

Pregnant women and the puerperium (up to 42 days after delivery) are guaranteed extended endodontic treatment –

 That is root canal treatment, as well as an additional dental material, dental implants newport new va  which is surgical cement used as a dressing for periodontal surgery.

Note: As for the documents to be presented, for pregnant women, this is the pregnancy record card, and for women in childbirth, a shortened copy of the child’s birth certificate. It happens that any document confirming that a woman gave birth is enough (ask in the facility).

Kids and young people up to the period of 18

This is the group that is entitled to the protection of the sixth tooth furrow by the age of 7, varnishing all permanent teeth, impregnating the dentin of primary teeth, complete development and reconstruction of the defect of a milk tooth, cosmetic coverage of enamel hypoplasia dental implants newport new va  in permanent teeth, periodontal disease treatment, surgery – surgical exposure of the retained tooth, surgical removal of tooth buds for orthodontic indications, anterior tooth root resection.

In addition, when it comes to orthodontic treatment, as well as checking the results after it is completed, it is free of charge until the age of 12. A child under the age of 13 is also entitled to free replacement of orthodontic braces made under health insurance once a year.

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Moderate and severely disabled people – these patients are entitled to general anesthesia while performing health services, as well as composite light-cured materials for restorations.

Note: Regarding the document confirming the right to additional benefits, institutions usually require a disability certificate.

Regulations, living life, Unfortunately, not in every office or establishment, people with additional rights can count on them. It happens that the institutions do not know the content of the regulation, do not know, or pretend that they do not know what particular privileged groups should be. It happens that people with disabilities (worst of all, without their knowledge) are given seals of lower quality instead of light-cured ones. As doctors have the opportunity to choose which of the guaranteed services will be most appropriate for their patients, there may sometimes be abuse, and thus a reduction in the quality of treatment at the expense of the patient. Always Considering the above, it is worth knowing your rights and knowing where to look for confirmation of what is due to us.

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