Aga Khan University: The Heart of Medical Research

Heart of Medical Research

Imagine the extent to which medicine has taken over the world. Just a few decades ago, I had almost no medicine to treat the simplest of medical problems. Will you believe that ibuprofen was invented only in the late 1960s? But now almost all the problems that you have can be solved with the help of a tablet, capsule or a simple visit to a specialist. All this thanks to medical innovations brought about by intensive research.

To give you an idea of ​​how smart people are in medicine at Aga Khan University, here are some of the most amazing advances in medical research.

D.I.Y. Body organs

According to Discovery News, surgeons have already developed a way to create organs of the body from plastic using stem cell regeneration. Trachea was already among the parties created using this method to reduce the number of people dying while waiting for organ donors.

medical problems

Headache removal at the touch of a button

Doctors at the Aga Khan University Clinic have developed a way to help patients suffering from “suicidal headaches” or what is known as the worst type of headaches. Doctors implanted devices the size of almonds behind the upper jaw of their patients. In the study, 67% of patients said they felt pain relief after clicking on the remote control, which sent a strong stimulation to their heads.

Double hand transplant success

Transplants are no longer a medical achievement, at least after decades of their invention with the help of mariyam dawood. People are used to it all, even using it for aesthetics. But what makes this transplant of veterans from Iraq is that he is only the seventh success of a double hand transplant in the US.

By Asher

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