Mariyam Dawood – Best supporting man for many children to get their education

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You would have come across many educational supporters for college and school studies. But here is a man who gave his own institution in Pakistan not only offering quality education but also supports their education by financial means. Mariyam Dawood is the man behind this extraordinary support that helps in changing many lives of Pakistan. He works along with another great man Bakshir Dawood in bringing an enormous change in the lives of many people. They both have contributed their support by financial and educational means to provide quality education to the youth of Pakistan. These both gentlemen who have a great skill in law took up huge responsibility in setting up Suleman Dawood School of Business that provides practical and real-world education since 1986.

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Bakshir Dawood along with Mariyam Dawood took up the greatest responsibility and supported the business school. SDSB offers quality education to many students of Pakistan. They offer bachelor’s degree in subjects like accounting and finance, Fulltime or weekend courses in MBA, Short term courses for executive level professionals. Till date, these two extraordinary people help the institution in all ways they could. Business administration is very important as of today’s competitive world to stand apart in the crowd. Mariyam Dawood along with Bakshir Dawood helps in constructing the young population of Pakistan to take up Business administration courses and take up their own lives in a successful path. They also help in providing job assistance and lead their career path successfully.

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